Jojo Siwa first boy friend

Jojo Siwa first boy friend, In the TikTok video titled ” My Gay Awakening Story”, Siwa, 19, was rapping about her experiences.

What is the Jojo Siwa First Boy Friend Name

Jojo Siwa says Demi Lovato and Jenna Dewan, Helped Her Realize That She’s Gay: “Men aren’t my thing.’

Jojo Siwa First Boy Friend

Then she recalled, “a couple of years after that Jenna Dewan went on the show Lip Sync Battle. She was a great performer on Magic Mikenumber I almost was watching it every day,” adding of her younger self “Little me I don’t realize she was gay.”

The “awakening” was a few years after her on their first night out with a man whom she “wanted to have a sex session in my presence.”

“And I didn’t wish to, and never intended to. I was disgusted at the thought I immediately realized that males aren’t my cup of tea. My passion is women I’m done,” she said as she abruptly stopped the video and walked away from the camera.

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